Call Us!  951-928-4001
For those who are new 
to KiestHaus Shepherds,
we want thank you for your 
interest in the foundation of the 
Old Style Traditional 
Giant German Shepherd Dogs.
I am Judy Kiest, and along with my husband 
of over fifty years, Jerry, we began this journey 
"back in the day" when the German Shepherd breed 
was  undergoing many changes; both in the American 
show ring and in the European performance ring.  
While there were many fanciers of the breed who held
diverse opinions about these changes, we chose to set 
upon our own path of maintaining the qualities we held 
dear in the breed, and establishing a breeding 
program to keep these qualities intact, both 
for ourselves and for others of like minded 
values -- as well as for future generations.
We bred our first two litters of German Shepherds in 1966. 
Since that time, we have been dedicated to the development ,
breeding, training, enjoying and especially loving of these 
wonderful Giant Oversized Old Type Traditional 
German Shepherd Dogs.
One of our initial goals and desires was to pass on what we have 
been blessed with in these wonderful dogs. All of the years of work,
trial,error, and  success has been shared with other serious breeders 
and many caring families throughout the world. We have been honored to share these special dogs with so many.
Most of  the folks who acquire a Shepherd from us have become 
our friends, and many have returned for their next dog, and 
their next...  as the years have gone by. Our dogs typically have wonderful health and longevity that is appreciated by the
 families who have come to love them as we do.  Over the past 
four decades, many of these people have returned to us either to add or to replace a long lived family companion, 
and devoted protector.  When we look back over these many years 
of devotion to our dear animal and human family, we realize our 
lives have been both rewarding and sad, but ultimately so full of so many wonderful times that there is not too much we would want to change.  We are so appreciative of the many friends we've made through association with our KiestHaus Shepherds, and the truly
great dogs we have been able to share in enjoying.
We are very pleased and happy to see so many serious 
Old Fashioned Traditional Giant German Shepherd breeders
 advertising on the internet and in the dog speciality magazines 
these days; continuing on the foundation of  our precious dogs, 
and developing many new lines that blend so well with the 
original KiestHaus Giant and Oversized German Shepherd 
family.   I also wish to compliment those breeders on the 
great photos of the Shepherds that they purchased from 
us, as well as the Shepherds that they are breeding and 
blending with our original family of dogs.  To own a 
sound, beautiful,intelligent, loyal Old Style 
Traditional Giant German Shepherd
 is a privilege we all share, and to breed them is to 
be responsible for a sacred trust in preserving 
the past and promoting the future.  It is a journey 
we are proud to have both initiated and 
shared.  Now, through this amazing
 tool called "the internet", 
we are happy to share it 
with you, as well!